Deep, committed, and loving relationships across lines such as class, nation, sex, race, religion, ideology, ability, age, gender, and sexual orientation can help light the way toward a more equitable and just society. In Solidarity: Friendship, Family, and Activism Beyond Gay and Straight, by Lisa M. Tillmann, shows what being an ally requires, means, and does.
Tillmann’s first book, Between Gay and Straight: Understanding Friendship across Sexual Orientation, stemmed from her Ph.D. dissertation (1994-1998). The work chronicled Tillmann’s journey from small-town girl—heterosexually-identified and raised Catholic in the 1970s and 80s—to emotional, relational, and political ally to an urban network of gay male friends. The essays and website materials collected for In Solidarity demonstrate how Tillmann has mobilized the raised consciousness acquired along and since that journey in her continued research, campus and community advocacy and activism, teaching, and everyday life.